Thursday, January 03, 2008

ski challenge 08 on macosx and freebsd

macosx: install crossover. then download sc08 and execute it.

freebsd: install wine either as package using `sudo pkg_add -vr wine` or better from ports (cd /usr/ports/emulators/wine/ && sudo make install clean)

run winecfg which will create ~/.wine/

download and run the sc08 installer:
wine ORF-Skichallenge08.exe

sc08 will probably install into ~/.wine/drive_c/Games/ORF-Ski Challenge 2008/

to run sc08 first change into the directory it is installed in,
then run it:

cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Games/ORF-Ski\ Challenge\ 2008/
wine updater.exe

(things will probably look slightly different on your system, especially since this website is all lower case. also note the white shadows you can see in the screenshot above only occur in directx mode. use opengl instead.)

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